Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What Is Happening Now...

I keep meaning to write a blog post but it doesn't happen. Same with taking pictures. Heck, how about I take a picture where I'm the one with Willa. Someday soon.  Maybe this weekend when we are in Pennsylvania visiting Daren's family.

Life is a whirlwind. I can't believe that the summer is almost over! I had glorious plans of living at the pool this summer and turning my daughter into a fish. I'm happy to say that she has worn all four of the swimming suits I bought for her, but she is no where near a fish. We have two pools in our neighborhood that we frequent. One of the pools is a bit more adult friendly and the other pool is very kid friendly. The folks with the kid friendly pool started having Friday "happy hours" and we made the invite list. Their pool has a "lily pad" area where the water is less than a foot deep and has two bubblers. This is Willa's area to hangout in her float while watching the big kids play. Also, this pool has a rock wall and waterfall. I know how you are thinking it sounds totally awesome...because it is. Here are the pictures from a few weeks ago.
Willa chilling with friends
Reaching for the bubbles

Heading to the deep end with Daddy to explore the waterfall
We are still searching for foods that Willa can eat. The latest attempt was watermelon. I think it took about five minutes before she actually brought the piece of fruit to her mouth.
Initial inspection
Wasn't so sure and gave it the stink eye
Finally picked it up and passed it from  hand to hand
The ol' two handed squeeze test
Deemed safe for consumption
As Willa is getting more and more mobile we have to keep and eye on her. For the most part there isn't a lot of childproofing needed in the large open space that is our kitchen and living room. However, there is one location where we need to keep an eye on Willa and that is the doorstop for the door heading out to our screen porch. That doorstop must seem like the perfect teether as Willa is doing a drive by crawl. I think the face below shows that she understands and doesn't like when we use the word "no".

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