Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What is Happening Now...

Lots of changes are happening but none of them seem big enough to warrant their own blog post. I'll just try and hit the highlights of things happening in the Streett house.

Friday was International Omphalocele Awareness Day. It was great seeing family and friends posting pictures wearing black and white clothing (it was a very emotional day for me). We even had a picture of a very cute little boy dressed as a cow. MOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Willa's communication is a combination of baby gibberish and echoing words that we tell her. Willa can also point to various body parts and items of clothing. The cutest actions have to be that she will clap along with a TV show or song where there is clapping or cheering. Also, she has become quite fond of blowing kisses.  It is pretty easy to tell that dogs are currently her favorite animal. Spotting a dog on TV, in a book, or outside gets Willa very excited and she attempts to communicate with her "woof woofs." Daddy isn't bending on his rule of no pets. Sorry kid.
Reading books makes up a chunk of our evening fun. Willa can sit and flip through books on her own or sit in our lap for 20 plus minutes. Daren has most of the Dr Seuss books down word for word. Also, Willa likes to point out any and all balls (or circles) on the pages. There is also spontaneous kissing of random pages. She is a lover.
Eating table food is still a very slow process. We continue to offer new things and Willa continues to refuse them. We are okay with this because we doubt our daughter will go off to college eating baby purees. I do think Willa could out eat her Aunt Suzie when it comes to hummus. We will have to make it a competition. Oh, and this morning when Daren weighed her she was just over 18 pounds. 
Full on sleep training is about to begin. We want to stop rocking Willa to sleep after her evening bottle. We don't want to drop the bottle…just the 10 - 50 minutes of rocking. I'm currently reading a book recommended by one of the mom's in the neighborhood. If daycare can put Willa down for naps while awake then I figure we can accomplish the same thing at night. 
Knee walking is not approved. Willa's physical therapist was not impressed to see her moving about on her knees. Oops! Glad I got a video before we knew it was wrong. 

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