Sunday, May 18, 2014


Thursday was Willa's endoscopy. We had to be at UNC Hospital at 630am and the procedure was scheduled for 730am. It was a fairly painless morning (I hope Willa agrees). Willa was all smiles for the various nurses, anesthesiologists, and doctors. She showed no fear. Also, there was a TV in our room so Willa go to watch Peppa Pig while chilling in her hospital gown and super big socks. The doctor let us know that the procedure would take about 10 minutes and we would be updated shortly after.

The short versions of the results is everything was normal. The medical findings are as follows -
1. No gross lesions in the entire esophagus.
2. No gross lesions in the stomach.
3. Diffuse mucosal flattening was found in the duodenal bulb.
All three areas were biopsied and we are awaiting the results. The final pathology report should be back by the middle of this week.

I went back to recovery to get our little girl. She did wake up crying and didn't like the IV that remained in her hand. We did some singing and drank some apple juice. I think most of Willa's crying was to get attention from the hospital staff.

We were released and headed home just before 9am. Willa handled the anesthesia so well that we brought her to daycare and Daren and I headed to work.

We have yet to speak with our GI doctors about the findings of the endoscopy. Nothing found during the procedure explains Willa's frequent gagging and throwing up. I'm not sure what the next step will be but we will keep plugging away and trying to keep Willa's weight gain on the upward swing.

I have some more cute photos to share from this weekend. We've had lots of rain in North Carolina so our plants (and weeds) are very happy.

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