Thursday, December 19, 2013

Asking for Prayers

I'm not really sure who or how many people read this blog but people I care about are hurting and I'm hoping you can spare a moment during this busy holiday season to lift up a few words to the big man upstairs.

Baby Grant has been in the UNC NICU for 112 days due to his omphalocele and hypoplasic lungs. We have befriended Grant's parents and share their moments of celebration and sorrow. The doctors have not painted a pretty picture for Grant and he has a tough road ahead of him. Tomorrow Grant has surgery for the placement of a trach to assist with his breathing. Following the surgery, Grant will be under paralytic drugs for a week. I can't imagine... This Christmas will be spent watching their son... I'm not even sure how to end this one but please think of this family.

Edit only 10 minutes after posting. Just saw this on Facebook - Please pray for Grant. His condition is worsening and he is going for surgery today to get a trach put in. Please pray and send the most positive thoughts and energies for our amazing son that he gets better.

Last night I received an absolute shocker of a text message. My friend's father unexpectedly passed away. The back story on this one is just heartbreaking and I'm not sure it is my place to share the details. The long and short - My friend is on bed rest for the next five weeks after a tough time last week attempting to stop an active labor at 26 weeks 4 days. The doctors managed to stop the labor, sent my friend home on Saturday but was put on bed rest. Yesterday my friend's father had a follow up surgery at Duke due to the discovery of additional cancer cells. Last night I got the message that her father passed away during the surgery. 

I am a follower of Jesus Christ and believe in the good but this all just sucks. I know that I'm just a peon and don't understand the bigger picture of things but good people are being used as a punching bag. I'm incredibly excited to head home to see family and friends but my heart aches for friends here that I can't comfort while I'm away.

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