Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Travels

I had intentions of blogging while in Iowa visiting family but that didn't go as planned. We had a great trip and are home safe and sound. I'll just try and hit the highlights using mostly pictures.

- The outbound flight was easy. Willa was a bit sleepy in the airport waiting for our flight.

- Iowa is really cold and I didn't enjoy seeing temperatures in the negatives.

- We got to see most of the Keizer cousins for Christmas at the Rock Valley nursing home. We bring the celebration to the doorstep of Grandpa Keizer and Aunt Toots.  We gave Grandpa Keizer a calendar of all his 12 great grandchildren because that is a lot of names to remember.
- Opening presents was chaotic!Willa had no interest in her actual gifts because she was too busy flitting around the floor chasing the tissue paper.

- No pictures of my domination in hearts or any other card games so you will just have to take my word for it. The boys don't stand a chance against my skills.

- Briefly went outside when the heat wave of 30 degrees came through on Wednesday. I think Willa enjoyed the snow for as much as she could move.

- The return flight was also a breeze. Opening and closing the window was the fun game for the flight from Atlanta to RDU.

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