Sunday, January 13, 2013


Thursday was the trifecta appointment at UNC Hospital. First up was an appointment with plastics to take a look at Willa's skin tag. Next on the books was an appointment with her pediatric surgeon. The final stop of the day was prosthetics for a brace fitting.

The day began with Willa routine weigh in.  She is up to 7lb and 10oz (up 4oz from last Thursday). Her height was confirmed at 21 1/4 inches. During the weigh in I noticed Willa's diaper was dirty. I didn't see the point in changing her since the plastics doctor would need the diaper removed for his inspection. We were in the room for about 15 minutes before the doctor arrived. I started the diaper removal and realized Willa gave us the ol' silent poop. This is a new skill. After a quick cleanup on aisle one the doctor took a look at the skin tag. Because the skin tag isn't causing any issues they will wait until the omphalocele repair for removal.

Mid-plastics visit our pediatric surgeon came in our room. While the two doctors confirmed the procedure coordination, I realized Willa was lying on the exam table without a diaper. Also, I was sitting on the exam table at the butt end. I asked Daren to hand me a diaper because I was in the line of fire. Well, just as the handoff occurred we had another silent poop occur. Thankfully, she is over the projectile baby poop.

Our pediatric surgeon, Dr Adamson, was once again pleased with the progress of the decreasing om. Closure surgery has been scheduled for February 27th with a pre-up visit one week prior. Dr A is very confident the closure will go well because the skin growth of the om, the muscles of the abdomen, and the amount of space in the rib cavity for the protruding organs. 

The final stop of the day was a quick fitting of Willa's brace. Once again, she needed to have more padding added as the om continues to shrink. We let the tech know about the future surgery date. Daren and I realize that the support and pressure from the brace is a big part of this surgery happening so soon. The guys in prosthetics knocked it out of the park on their first brace created for an om. 

I know I'm super excited to have a surgery date. Daren has said we can't fly home to Iowa until after surgery. Tentatively we are looking to go home over Easter because I have Friday off from UNC and it is also my Grandpa Keizer's 88th birthday.  

I really wanted to post a video of Willa hanging out in her bouncy seat. No dice. Instead, the latest picture of the shrinking omphalocele. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is AMAZING how much it has shrunk! Looking great!
