Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Saturday - Turtles in a Half Shell...Turtle Power

The turtle jokes and comments just keep on coming.

The mood in pod B is very lighthearted. This is our second day with the same nurses in the unit. We are having a good time. Pod B is known as the library b/c of how quiet it is...that name might change while the Streett family is taking up residence. Even Daren is opening up. He made the comment to me that Willa looks like Grimace from McDonald's. I had to side-eye that comment and let the other ladies know what he said. They couldn't remember Grimace until I showed them a picture. Daren got a few head shakes...but it was really bad when he said she was pear shaped. I scolded him and said don't you ever tell a woman she is pear shaped.

Doctors rounds on a weekend are short and sweet. One thought being tossed around is that Willa's quick shallow breaths could being tiring her out and play a part of her inability to stay awake for feedings. The doctors said her lungs could be slightly undersized due to her being born at 37 weeks.  There is also the possibility the weight of the omphalocele and the addition of the shell can make it difficult to breath.

Bili numbers came back and we will not have a glowworm. This test will not be repeated.

Daren learned a new position for feeding Willa.  The nurses in the NICU are able to feed a baby a bottle and work on the computer at the same time. I told Daren I expect big things out of him with all of this expert training. It is much easier to get pics of Daren than it is of me. I'm pretty much always hanging out behind the curtains either feeding or pumping and I'm not gonna let anyone take a picture of that scene.

The pump is always nearby. 

My eyes are actually open!!!
We headed out a bit early on Saturday to join our neighbors and friends for a cul-de-sac party. It was good to see everyone and realize how many new people there are in our neighborhood. I was a good girl and came inside for my 8pm pumping session and didn't go back outside. I plopped down on the couch to try to catch up on some TV and I think I feel asleep by 9pm.

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