Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday - She Pooped on Me

Today was my first time driving since the hospital staff kidnapped me on Friday, October 26th.  I had to drive versus getting picked up by a co-worker because I needed to get the car seat base installed. It was nice having control of the radio stations in my own vehicle. Also, Daren's driving doesn't help my gas milage.

Once again our little night owl was up most of the early morning hours and tuckered out when I showed up a little before 8am.  We ended up delaying care time and shifting back the feeding schedule just to try and get her to wake back up. The exciting diaper change happened around 9am. She sounded the warning toot but I thought I was safe to proceed. Each time I tried to open up the diaper and get back to work...pffffttttttt followed. This happened three times and the girl did not stir. Nothing was interrupting her sleep. Again, thinking she was done I tried to proceed and that is when I got shot in the thumb. I don't like this child's games. 

After morning care time I started to take some more hat pictures. I gotta keep up because I still have three more hats at home! Got a delayed Halloween pic and I also sent a picture to my Track coaches to wish them luck before NCAA Regionals. 

This afternoon I got the car seat installed. This service is provided free at some of Chapel Hill fire stations. The fire chief told me that when people other than a trained professional preform the install that they find 80% of the installs have at least one major flaw. That is frightening.

Daren made it to the hospital for the 3pm and 6pm care times. He handled feeding her a bottle at 3pm since I was delayed. I did make it for the dressing change and weigh in at 5pm. I'm  happy to report our little Bean gained some weight. The doctors are confident she will gain more weight and thrive at home. What I'm not happy to report is I nearly got pooped on again. Daren started taking off her diaper and meanwhile I started setting up for the dressing change. I was standing at the foot of the crib and stopped my duties to assist with putting on the butt cream. I had just finished telling Daren about how our nurse said we needed to apply butt cream like we apply frosting to a cake. Make it a nice thick layer when I realized I was in "firing range." No sooner had those words come out of my mouth did Willa take aim. It was like a I was in a slow motion movie. I made some sort of sound and jumped back at the same time. Luckily, there was a comforter over the crib and it took the direct hit. My UNC Tennis shirt was safe. This darn kid!

Tonight is a busy night at home. We are prepping for the arrival of our little girl. Unless something drastic happens overnight, Willa will be discharged tomorrow.  Very exciting!!

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